Upkip KPIs. To go to dashboards and KPI calculations click on the links below the table.

Factory KPIs

Factory OEE (%)
Factory Utilization (%)
Factory Cost Deviation (kr)

Machine KPIs

Machine OEE (%)
Machine Availability (%)
Machine Performance (%)
Machine Quality (%)
Machine Utilization (%)
Machine Downtime (%)

Work Order KPIs

Work Order OEE (%)
Work Order Availability (%)
Work Order Performance (%)
Work Order Quality (%)
Work Order OTD (days)
Work Order Estimated remaining work (%)
Work Order Actual remaining work (%)
Work Order Cost deviations (kr)

Parts KPIs

Parts time per item (time)
Parts Scrap percentage (%)
Parts Cost deviation (time)
Parts Estimated remaining work (%)
Parts Actual remaining work (%)
Parts Overplanning (%)
Parts Average production cost (kr)
Parts OTD (Y/N)

Item Code KPIs

Average Time/Item (time)
Average Scrap (%)


Average Consumption per item (kWh)
Total Order Power Consumption (kWh)