Tool Management


Purpose: The Tool Management module is used to:

The section described:

Tool management is accessible from the main menu.

Figure 1: Upkip Main menu - Tool Management menu

Cutting Items

Purpose: The Cutting items menu is used to:

The Cutting items types with their drawings are imported from the ERP system or created manually.

The section describes:

Cutting Item Types

Select the menu Tool Management/ Cutting Items.

Figure 2: Cutting Items - Cutting item types

The table shows the cutting item types with number, description, count (number of instances of this type), free (number of free instances not used in the cutting tools), and created date.

It is possible to filter the cutting item types by entering part of the number or description of the type in the Filter field.

Selecting a row from the table opens Details on the right side with a description and attached drawing. It is possible to upload or download the type drawing.

Clicking the arrow to the left side of the row expands the type with the list of instances created with it. Each instance is displayed with number, status, and created date.

Figure 3: Cutting item type with attached instances

The table can be sorted by all columns clicking on the column headings.

Click on the Add button.

Figure 4: Cutting items - Add Cutting item type

Enter a number and description, select measurement scheme, and click Add.

Select any line of cutting item types that has no attached instances of cutting items. Click Delete.

Select any line of cutting item types with Count greater than zero and click Delete. Confirm.

Cutting Items

Precondition: Select the menu Cutting items. Click the tab Cutting items.

Figure 5: Cutting item - Details

The table shows cutting items with number, description of type, status, created date, and icon of use (blue and rotating icon - if used in a cutting tool or grey icon – when it is not used).

It is possible to filter the cutting items entering part of the number or type in the Filter field .

Filtering by status is possible from the Status filter.

Clicking the Clear button clears all filters and shows the table with all cutting items.

Selecting a row from the table opens Details on the right side. It is possible to change the status of the cutting item from the Status drop-down menu.

Click the tab Measurement on the right side. All parameters that are measured by the Presetter Zoller machine are listed there. After measuring the cutting items, the data is automatically filled in and saved in the cutting tool.

Figure 6: Cutting item - Measurements

The table can be sorted by all columns clicking on the column headings.

Click on the Add button.

Figure 7: Create Cutting item - select Cutting item type

Filter the Cutting item types by typing in the search field. Select a type from the drop-down list.

Figure 8: Create Cutting item - all controls

Enter the cutting item number and select the initial status from the drop-down list.

Click the Add button.

Select any line of cutting items that is used in a cutting tool, and click Delete. Confirm.

Select any line with the cutting items that is not used in a cutting tool and click Delete. Confirm.

Adaptive Items

Purpose: The Adaptive items menu is used to:

The adaptive items types with their drawings are imported from the ERP system or created manually.

The section describes:

Adaptive Item Types

Select the menu Tool Management/Adaptive Items.

Figure 9: Adaptive Items - Adaptive item types

The table shows adaptive item types with number, description, count (number of instances of this type), free (number of free instances not used in the cutting tools), and created date.

It is possible to filter the adaptive item types by entering part of the number or description of the type in the Filter field.

Selecting a row from the table opens Details on the right side with description and attached drawing. It is possible to upload or download the type drawing.

Clicking the arrow to the left side of the row expands the type with the list of instances created with it. Each instance is shown with RFID and created date.

The table can be sorted by all columns clicking on the columns headings.

Click on the Add button.

Figure 10: Adaptive items - Add adaptive item type

Enter a number and description and click Add.

Select any line of adaptive item type that has no attached instances of adaptive items. Click Delete.

Select any line of adaptive item type with Count greater than zero and click Delete. Confirm.

Adaptive Items

Precondition: Select the menu Adaptive items.

Click the tab Adaptive items.

Figure 11: Adaptive items

The table shows the adaptive items with RFID, type, status, created date, location, icon for use (blue and rotating icon - if used in a cutting tool or grey icon – when is not used), and icon for changing RFID.

It is possible to filter the adaptive items by entering part of the RFID or type in the Filter field.

Filtering by status is possible from the Status filter. Filtering by type is possible by the Type filter.

To scan the adaptive item RFID:

Clicking the Clear button clears all filters and displays the table with all adaptive items.

Selecting a row from the table opens Details on the right side. It is possible to change the adaptive item status from the Status drop-down list.

The table can be sorted by all columns clicking on the column headings.

Click on the Add button.

Figure 12: Create adaptive item - select adaptive item type

Filter the adaptive item types by typing in the search field. Select a type from the drop-down list.

Figure 13: Create adaptive item - all controls

Select a location and click the Scan button.

Scan the RFID of the adaptive item.

Click the Add button.

Select any line of adaptive item that is used in a cutting tool, and click Delete. Confirm.

Select any line of adaptive item that is not used in a cutting tool and click Delete. Confirm.

Change adaptive item RFID

Select an adaptive item by clicking on the row. Click the icon Change RFID from the last column.

Figure 14: Adaptive items - open the form Change RFID

Figure 15: Change RFID of an adaptive item

On first scan, select a current location from the list and click the Scan button. Scan the adaptive item.

Click the Change RFID button.

Selecting a new adaptive item and clicking the Change RFID icon, automatically loads the current location with already used ones and selects the Scan button.

Figure 16: Scanning RFID with saved current location

User can scan an adaptive item and save by clicking the Change RFID button.

Cutting Tools

Purpose: The Cutting tools menu is used to:

The Cutting tools types with their drawings are imported from the ERP system or created manually.

The section describes:

Cutting Tool Types

Select the menu Tool Management/Cutting tools.

Figure 17: Cutting tools - Cutting tool types

The table shows cutting tool types with number, description, count (number of instances of this type), free (number of free instances not used in the cutting tools), and created date.

It is possible to filter the cutting tool types by entering part of the number or description of the tool the Filter field .

Selecting a row from the table opens Details on the right side with description and attached drawing. It is possible to upload or download the drawing of the type.

Clicking the arrow to the left of the row expands the type with the list of instances created with it. Each instance is displayed with RFID, status, and created date.

Figure 18: Cutting tool type with attached instances

The table can be sorted by all columns clicking on the column headings.

Click the Add button.

Figure 19: Cutting tools - Add Cutting tool type

Enter the number, description, max reconditions(optional), adaptive item type, and cutting item type. Click the Add button.

Select any line of cutting tool type that has no attached instances of cutting tools to it. Click Delete.

Select any line of cutting tool type with Count greater than zero and click Delete. Confirm.

Cutting Tools

Precondition: Select the menu Cutting tools. Click the Cutting tools tab.

Figure 20: Cutting tools - Details

The Table shows cutting tools with type number, type description, cutting item type description, adaptive item type description, status, location and column with icons for cutting tool management.

It is possible to filter the cutting tools by entering the part of the RFID, cutting tool type, cutting item, cutting item type, adaptive item, or adaptive item type in the Filter field.

Filtering by status is possible from the Status filter. Filtering by type is possible from the Type filter .

To scan the RFID of the cutting tool:

Clicking the Clear button clears all filters and shows the table with all cutting tools.

Selecting a row from the table opens Details on the right side. It is possible to change the cutting tool status from the Status drop-down and click Save.

Click the tab Measurement on the right side. There are listed all cutting tool parameters that are measured on the Presetter Zoller machine. After measuring the cutting tool parameters and the cutting item parameters are filled automatically and saved to the cutting tool.

Figure 21: Cutting tool and cutting item - Measurements

The table can be sorted by all columns clicking on the column headings.

Click the Add button.

Figure 22: Create Cutting tool - select Cutting tool type

Filter the types of cutting tools by typing in the search field. Select a type of cutting tool.

Figure 23: Create Cutting tool

Select a location and click the Scan button.

Click the Add button.

When you create a cutting tool and it lacks adaptive items of the required adaptive item type, it is possible to select another adaptive item type, or scan the available adaptive items.

Figure 24: Create cutting tool with nonstandard adaptive item

Select any line of cutting tools and click the Delete button. Confirm.

Cutting tools management

Precondition: The menu Cutting tools is selected. One cutting tool is selected in the table.

Purpose: The following operations are possible for the selected cutting tool:

Operations are accessible from the icons in the last column of the cutting tools table.

Change RFID

Purpose: It is possible to change the cutting tool RFID by scanning a new adaptive item RFID. The cutting tool can be saved with the scanned new RFID.

Select a cutting tool by clicking on the row. Click on the Change RFID icon from the last column.

Figure 25: Cutting tools - open the form Change RFID

On first scan, select a current location from the list and click the Scan button. Scan the cutting tool (adaptive item).

Click Change RFID button.

When you select a new cutting tool and click the Change RFID icon, the current location is now loaded and the button Scan is selected.

Figure 26: Scanning RFID with saved current location

User can scan a cutting tool (adaptive item) and save by clicking the Change RFID button.

Change cutting item

Purpose: If the cutting item in the cutting tool is broken or expired, it is possible to select a new cutting item of the desired type in the cutting tool. The old cutting item receives the selected status (Broken or Expired).

Precondition: A cutting tool row is selected from the cutting tools table. Click on the first icon from the last column.

Figure 27: Cutting tools - Open Change cutting item form

Figure 28: Change Cutting item of the cutting tool

The current cutting item status is automatically selected in the form . If a new cutting item of the desired type is available, it is selected in the New cutting item drop-down.

Select the cutting item status to Broken or Expired. Select a new cutting item (if exist) and click the Change Cutting Item button.

Return to storage

Purpose: The selected cutting tool can be returned to the Kardex storage with a selected status (Expired for example).

Precondition: A cutting tool is selected from the cutting tools table. Click on the second icon from the last column.

Figure 29: Cutting tools - Open Return to storage form

Figure 30: Return the cutting tool to storage

Select the status of a returned to storage cutting tool in the form.

Enter a Kardex tray and position. Click the Return to Storage button.

Disassemble cutting tool

Purpose: The selected cutting tool can be disassembled and the cutting item and the adaptive item can be given the selected statuses.

Precondition: A cutting tool is selected from the cutting tools table. Click on the third icon from the last column.

Figure 31: Cutting tools - Open Disassemble form

Figure 32: Return the cutting tool to storage

Select the cutting item status and the adaptive item status in the form. The cutting tool is removed from the table.

Clamping Devices

Purpose: The Clamping devices menu is used to:

The clamping device types with their drawings are imported from the ERP system or created manually.

The section describes:

Clamping Device Types

Select the menu Tool Management/Clamping devices.

Figure 33: Clamping Devices - Clamping Device types

The table shows clampin device types with number, description, count (number of instances of this type), and created date.

It is possible to filter the clamping device types by entering in the Filter field part of the number or description of the type.

Selecting a row from the table opens Details at the right side with description and attached drawing. It is possible to upload or download the drawing of the type.

Clicking on the arrow at the left side of some row expands the type with the list of instances created with it. Each instance is shown with RFID and created date.

The table can be sorted by all columns clicking on the columns headings.

Click on the Add button.

Figure 34: Clamping Devices - Add clamping device type

Enter the number and description and click Add.

Select any line of clamping device type that has no attached instances of clamping devices to it. Click Delete.

Select any line of clamping device type with Count greater than zero and click Delete. Confirm.

Clamping Devices

Precondition: Select the menu Clamping Devices/Clamping Devices.

Figure 35: Clamping devices

The table shows the clamping devices with RFID, type, status, created date, location, and icon for changing RFID.

It is possible to filter the clamping devices by entering part of the RFID or type in the Filter field.

Filtering by status is possible from the Status filter. Filtering by type is possible by the Type filter.

To scan the clamping device RFID:

Clicking the Clear button clears all filters and shows the table with all clamping devices.

Selecting a row from the table opens Details on the right side. It is possible to change the clamping device status from the Status dropdown.

The table can be sorted by all columns clicking on the column headings.

Click the Add button.

Figure 36: Create clamping device - select clamping device type

Filter the clamping device types by typing in the search field. Select some type from the dropdown.

Figure 37: Create clamping device

Select a location and click the Scan button.

Scan the RFID of the clamping device.

Click the Add button.

Select any line of clamping device and click Delete. Confirm.

Change clamping device RFID

Select a clamping device by clicking on the row. Click the icon Change RFID from the last column.

Figure 38: Clamping devices - open the form Change RFID

Figure 39: Change RFID of a clamping device

On first scan, select a current location from the list and click the Scan button. Scan the clamping device.

Click Change RFID button.

Selecting a new clamping device and clicking the Change RFID icon, automatically loads the current location with already used ones and selects the Scan button.

Figure 40: Scanning RFID with saved current location

User can scan a clamping device and save by clicking the Change RFID button.


Purpose: The Transfer page shows the current location of the cutting tools and clamping devices in real time. It is possible to change the location of selected cutting tools or clamping devices.

Real Time

Select the menu Tool Management/Transfer.

Purpose: The Real Time page shows the number of cutting tools and the number of clamping devices in place. Clicking on the filters icons open the filtered lists of cutting tools or clamping devices for the machine.

Figure 41: Transfer - Real Time

Clicking the cutting tools filter icon in a row of real-time table opens the cutting tools tab filtered with the relevant cutting tools for the machine.

Figure 42: Transfer - filtered cutting tools for machine

Clicking the clamping devices filter icon in a row of real-time table opens the clamping devices tab filtered with the relevant clamping devices for the machine.

Figure 43: Transfer - filtered clamping devices for machine

Typing in the Filter field a machine number filters automatically table.

Figure 44: Transfer - Filtering Real Time table

Transfer Cutting Tools

Purpose: The Transfer/Cutting Tools page shows the current locations of the cutting tools. The selected cutting tool(s) can be transferred to the selected location.

Select the menu Tool Management/Transfer/Cutting tools

Figure 45: Transfer - Cutting tools

Table lists cutting tools with RFID, type, cutting item number, adaptive item number, status, and location.

To scan the RFID of the cutting tool:

Filtering the cutting tools table is possible by entering in the Filter field part of the RFID, type, cutting item type or number, adaptive item type or RFID, location.

Changing the locations of cutting tools is possible in steps:

When moving the cutting tool to the Kardex storage, it is necessary to enter the Kardex tray and position.

Transfer Clamping Devices

Purpose: The Transfer/Clamping devices page shows the current locations of the clamping devices. The selected clamping device(s) could be transferred to the selected location.

Select the menu Tool Management/Transfer/Clamping devices

Figure 46: Transfer - Clamping devices

Table shows clamping devices with RFID, type, status, and location.

To scan the RFID of the clamping device:

Filtering the clamping devices table is possible by typing in the Filter field part of the RFID, type, cutting item type, or location.

Changing locations of some clamping device(s) is possible in steps:

When moving the clamping device to the Kardex storage, it is necessary to enter the Kardex tray and position.

Scanning Heads

Purpose: The Scanning heads page is used to configure machines with Balluff controllers and scan heads. Each Balluff controller has four ports for scanning heads connected to a machine via USB and TCP/IP interface.

Select the menu Tool Management/Scanning Heads

The table lists machines with connected controllers, serial ports, and heads.

Figure 47: Scanning heads

Machines’ configurations can be filtered by location, controller, or head selected from the dropdown. Click the Search button.

Clicking the Clear button clears the filters and the whole table is shown.

Connect Head

Purpose: The machine is connected to the scanning head via the button Connect head.

Click the Connect Head button.

Figure 48: Scanning heads - Connect head

Select a head and machine from the lists and click the Connect button.

Disconnect Head

Purpose: Disconnecting the machine from the head is possible by the Disconnect head button.

Select a row with a connected machine. Click the button Disconnect Head.

Figure 49: Scanning heads - Disconnect head

Confirm by clicking the Disconnect button.

Manage controllers

Purpose: Configure controllers with name, model, mac address and serial port.

Figure 50: Scanners - manage controllers

Click the Manage Controllers button.

Figure 51: Scanners - manage controllers

Click the Add button.

Figure 52: Scanners - add new controller

Enter name, model, mac ID, and serial port. Click Save.

Select the row from the table and click Edit. Make the changes respecting the mac address and serial port uniqueness requirement . Click Save.

Select the row from the table and click Delete. Confirm Delete.