

Purpose: Different events could be created in the Upkip Administration. They are built with a specifically designed expression language that supports a limited amount of operations and functions. Event triggers when defined expression in it returns true. Events trigger warnings and notifications.

In the section is described:

Create new event

Precondition: The user with the role Administrator is logged in to the Upkip Administration.

Select the menu Data/Events.

Figure 1: Events list

Click the New button to create a new event.

Figure 2: Events - New event

Fill in the data:

To save the event click the Add button.

Add function in expression

Precondition: The New event form is opened. Click the button +Add Function to select a function for expression from the Built-in functions list:

Figure 3: New event - Add function - built-in functions

Select a function from the list and click the Add button

The following list of built-in functions are developed:

Add tag in expression

Precondition: The New event form is opened. Click the button +Add Tag to search and add tag in the expression field when creating an event.

Figure 4: New event - add tag in expression

Click on Add Tag button.

Select a tag from all tags

Precondition: The Select tag form is opened.

There is possible to search for and select a tag between all tags.

Figure 5: New event - search tag from all

Select a tag from organization tree

Precondition: The Select tag form is opened.

There is possible to search for and select a tag thourgh organization tree with departments and machines.

Figure 6: New event - search tag from organization tree

Add parameters in expression

Precondition: The New event form is opened.

There is possible to define parameters for the expression field.

Figure 7: New event - define parameters for expression

Create events and warnings from tag limits

Precondition: The machine is selected in the organization tree. The tab TAGS is selected. The New tag form is opened.

Purpose: When adding a Tag of type INT is possible to specify Min or Max values of the tag.

To configure the tag limits follow the steps below:

Figure 8: Machine - Select machine tag

Figure 9: Machine- Edit tag - create warnings from tag limits

Enter the tag value limits for Min and/or Max. You can input only one limit or both.

Below the Min and Max fields, there are checkboxes.

Select menu Events and search in the list – e.g. Temp - Pump1

Figure 10: Events - аutomatically created events from tag limits

Select menu Warnings and search in the list – e.g. Temp-Pump1

Figure 11: Warnings - automatically created warnings from tag limits

Delete events and warnings from tag limits

Precondition: There are created events and warnings from tag limits.

It is possible to delete events and warnings from the Edit tag form.

Select the tag with created events and warnings from tag limits. Click the Update button.

Figure 12: Edit tag - checked Delete warning

Select checkboxes Delete warning and click the Save button.


Precondition: Log in to the Upkip Administration. Select menu Warnings.


Figure 13: Warnings list

In the section are described:

Create Warning

Precondition: The menu Warnings is selected. The warnings page is opened. The events are created. Click on the New button.

Figure 14: Warnings - create new warning

Enter in the form the following data:

Figure 15: Warnings with different severity

Edit Warning

Precondition: The menu Warnings is selected. The warnings page is opened.

Select some warning from the list and lick the Update button.

The warning can be edited by changing the Name, Severity, Start and Stop event. The warning severity is selected from the dropdown list: Alarm, Warning, Information.

Click the Save button.

Figure 16: Edit Warning

The Severity of the warning could be edited by selecting a value from the dropdown - Information, Warning or Alarm.

Figure 17: Edit warning - change severity

Delete Warning

Precondition: The menu Warnings is selected. The warnings page is opened.

Select some warning from the list and click the Delete button.

Figure 18: Upkip Administration - Delete warning

Warnings from Tag Limits

Purpose: Create automatic warnings when entering tag limits.

Warnings could be created automatically by entering the tag limits min and/or max values with selected checkboxes Create Warning.

Follow the steps Events/Create events and warnings from tag limits.

Figure 19: Warnings from tag limits

Deleting warnings created from tag limits is possible automatically following the steps Event/Delete warnings from tag limits



Precondition: Log in to the Upkip Administration. Select menu Data/Notifications.

Figure 20: Notifications list

The notifications are shown in a table with columns: Name, Subject and Text. At the last column there is a checkbox – personal or not. There are buttons for New, Update or Delete notifications.

There are the following types of notifications:

Notifications from machine alarms

Purpose: To create automatic email notifications from the machine alarms list.

Precondition: The user with the role Administrator is logged in to the Upkip Administration

Select the menu ORGANIZATION. In the organization tree select the machine. Click on the tab ALARMS.

Figure 21: Create notification by selecting machine alarms

Find by the filter some alarms, and select them by the checkboxes.

Click on the button Create Notification.

Figure 22: Upkip Administration - Edit notification automatically opened

The created automatic notification that is prefilled could be edited and saved.

Figure 23: Notifications - placeholders list

After selecting from the list and clicking the Add button, the placeholder is inserted in the notification message text.

If an alarm message is sent to the machine tag of type Alarm, the event is triggered.

Notification email configured with it also is sent to the user.

Notifications to user Emails

Purpose: Notifications could be configured to submit messages to user email. Notifications are triggered by the events. In the event is a defined expression on some machine or sensor tag. If the event has occurred then the notification is triggered and the defined message in the notification is submitted to the user email.

Configure User in Upkip Administration

Users in the Upkip Administration are configured following the steps Users Management

Log in as a user with a role System Administrator in to the Upkip Administration.

Find in Users list the user and click Edit. Make sure that user email is configured in the E-Mail field. This is the email to which will be sent an email notification. This email could be different from the username email. In the user's details is entered a phone number with the area code.

Figure 24: Upkip Administration - User configuration with email

Configure Event and Notification to User Email

Select the machine (or sensor) ID and tag which will be used in the Event configuration.

Select the machine tag by following the steps in Search and add Tag

To create an event see Create event manually

Select menu Notifications.

Figure 25: Upkip Administration - Create notification with media type email

Enter the Name, Message Subject, and Message text.

The Notification will be saved to the Notification list.

Submit Notification to User Email

Simulate event by IoT Hub Tester

Submitted data to the machine tag will trigger the related event.

A notification email with this event will be sent to user's email.

The email will be with:

Figure 26: Notification email with configured message text

Notifications to user Viber

Purpose: Notifications could be configured to submit messages to Viber public account. Users subscribed to this account can receive a message from configured Notifications. Notifications are triggered by the events. In the event are defined expressions on some machine or sensor tag. If the event has occurred then the notification has been triggered and the defined message in the notification is submitted to the Viber Upkip Notifier.

Precondition: Setup Viber account

Configure User in Upkip Administration

Precondition: Users in Upkip Administration have configured following the steps Configure Users in Upkip

Log in as a user with the role System Administrator in to the Upkip Administration.

Find in Users list the user and click Edit. Enter in the Phone Number with Area code the user phone number that will be used for Viber notification.

Figure 27: Upkip Administration - User configuration with phone number

Configure Event and Notification to Viber

Precondition: The user logged in to the Upkip Administration. Select organization. The left menus for the selected organization are shown.

Select the machine tag by following the steps in Search and add Tag

To create an event see Create event manually

Select menu Notifications. Click New.

Fill in the Notification form:

Figure 28: Upkip Administration - Create notification with a message to Viber phone number

Click Save.

Figure 29: Upkip Viber invitation email

Subscribe to Upkip Viber Notifier

Precondition: The user has received a Viber invitation email. The invitation email contains a QR code for Upkip Viber Notifier.

Scanning QR code or clicking on the link is possible only from mobile device.

Оpen the link by clicking on the URL link from the email to gain access to Upkip Notifier Viber public account.

Figure 30: Upkip Viber Notifier

Till a minute user will receive a message to the Viber Upkip Notifier.

Figure 31: Upkip Viber Notifier prompt for subscribe message

Type on the chat and submit a message with text

.subscribe []

Figure 32: Upkip Viber verification email

Open the received email and click on the link Verify to make email verification.

Figure 33: Upkip Viber Verification confirmation page

Figure 34: Upkip Viber successful subscription

Submit Viber Notification


If the event configured in the notification has triggered, a notification with Media Type=Viber and Destination=User has to submit a message to the user Upkip Notifier Viber account.

Notifications by SMS

Purpose: Notifications could be configured to submit messages to the user phone by SMS. Notifications are triggered by the Event. In the event is defined expression on some machine or sensor tag. If the event has occurred then the notification is triggered and the defined message in the notification is submitted to user's mobile phone as SMS.

Configure Notification by SMS

Select the machine (or sensor) ID and tag which will be used in the event configuration.

Select the machine tag by following the steps in select machine or sensor Tag

To create an event see Create event manually

Select menu Notifications.

Figure 35: Upkip Administration - Create notification with media type SMS

To create a notification enter:

The Notification will be saved in the Notification list.

Submit Notification by SMS


If the event configured in the notification has triggered, a notification as SMS will be sent to user's phone. Message Text from Notification will come as SMS text.

Notifications to Microsoft Teams

Purpose: Notifications could be configured to submit messages to Microsoft Teams channel where invited Team peoples can read them and reply. Notifications are triggered by the event. If the event has occurred then the notification is triggered and the defined message in the notification is submitted to configured teams channel. To work notifications to Teams, the member <Upkip Notifier has to be added to the Team.

Microsoft Teams Configuration

The user should be the owner or invited to some Team in Microsoft Teams.

The user has opened Microsoft Teams and views created Teams and channels

Figure 36: Microsoft Teams Configuration

After creating some Team default channel General has been created.

Additional channels can be added to the team.

Figure 37: Microsoft Teams Configuration - Add channel

Right-click on the Team menu and select Manage Team

Figure 38: Microsoft Teams Configuration - Manage Team

Type in the member search field – Upkip Notifier and add to the team.

Figure 39: Microsoft Teams Configuration -Manage Team - Add member Upkip Notifier

Get the channel link by right-clicking on the channel menu and selecting Get link to channel.

Figure 40: Microsoft Teams Configuration - Channel - Get link to channel

Copy the link to the clipboard by clicking on the Copy button

Figure 41: Microsoft Teams Configuration -Copy link to channel

Configure Event and Notification to Teams

Precondition: Log in to the Upkip Administration.

Select the menu Notifications.

Figure 42: Upkip Administration - Create notification with destination Teams

To create notification enter:

The created Notification will appear in the Notifications list.

Submit messages to Microsoft Teams

Open Microsoft Teams and select created channel for notifications.

Figure 43: Microsoft Teams - View submitted message from notification

When event and notification are triggered, the message is submitted to the Teams and will be visible to all members of the team.

Figure 44: Microsoft Teams - Reply to Upkip Notifier message

The members of the Team can click Reply, notify someone about the message by typing ‘@’ before their name.

Notification channels allowed time interval

Purpose: Configuration of the allowed time interval for notifications for the user allows to disable receiving notifications by Viber, Email, or SMS for time outside of the defined allowed time interval.

Precondition: User with role administrator is logged in Upkip Administration.

Configure Notification channels for a user with allowed time interval

Open the users list by clicking on the users' icon.

Figure 45: Upkip Administration - Open users list

From the users' list select the user and click Edit.

Figure 46: Upkip Administration - Configure user with an allowed time interval for notifications

Configure Notifications to Email, SMS, Viber

Configure events and notification to user email following the steps Configure Event and Notification to User Email.

Configure events and notification to user phone by SMS following the steps Configure Event and Notification to User phone by SMS

Configure event and notification to Upkip Viber Notifier following the steps Configure Notification to Viber and Subscribe to Upkip Viber Notifier

Submit Notifications within or outside of the allowed time interval

Submit notification to user email following the steps Submit Notification to User Email.

Submit notification to user phone by SMS following the steps Submit Notification to User Phone by SMS

Submit notification to user phone by Viber Upkip Notifier following the steps Submit Viber Notification.

Trigger the event and notification for each notification channel during the specified time interval.

Trigger the event and notification for each notification channel outside the specified time interval.

Calculated Tags

Purpose: Calculated tags are used to execute expressions on the base tag values and assign results to the Result tag. To create the expression built-in functions can be used.

Base and Result Tags

Create Base and Result tags that will be used for the definition of the calculated tag.

Select Organization and some machine under department.

Figure 47: Upkip Administration -Edit machine -Select tags for base and result tag

Add a tag with type INT that will be used as Base Tag following the steps Search and add Tag

Add tag with type INT that will be used as Result Tag

Add Calculated Tag

Precondition: User is logged in Upkip Administration. Base and Result Tags are created. Select menu Calculated Tags.

Figure 48: Upkip Administration - Calculated Tags

Click the New button.

Figure 49: Upkip Administration - Add new calculated tag

Enter the following data in the form:

Search for Base and Result Tags

Figure 50: Upkip Administration - New Calculated tag - Select base and result tags

Figure 51: Upkip Administration - New calculated tag - select tag by display name

After adding the tag or display name they are filled read-only in the fields for Base tag and Result Tag

Figure 52: Upkip Administration - New calculated tag - Selected base and result tags

Add Expression

When creating a calculated tag is possible to create an expression that will be executed on the base tag. The result of execution will be written to Result Tag.

Figure 53: Upkip Administration - New calculated tag - Add expression

To create expression can be used:

Figure 54: Upkip Administration - New calculated tag - Add expression operators

Figure 55: Upkip Administration - New calculated tag - Add parameters

The expression parameter has Name, Type and Value. Use in expression with its name.

After filling the required fields – Name, Result, Base, and Expression, click Save

For example:

Figure 56: Upkip Administration - Saved calculated tag in the list

Built-in Functions

To add function in expression click on the button + Add Function.

When selecting some function on the right side appears Description and example.

Select function and click Add button.

Figure 57: Upkip Administration - New calculated tag - Add expression - Built-in functions


Lists is a special section which provides the possibility:

Figure 58: Lists menu

Working with Lists is fairly simple:

In the common case Lists are made to organize specific list items (data items). Each list item has an accosiated Label (text value) and Color provided in hex format e.g. #A1B2E3.

Figure 59: Lists menu

By clicking on the Add button a new List or List Item can be added. Available options are limited based on the currently selected element in the structure. To add a List Item a List must be selected.

Properties to fill are as follows:

Figure 60: Add List

Downtime Tagging


Default Downtime Reasons

Figure 62: Default downtime reasons

Figure 63: Default downtime reasons as seen from the Downtime Tagging panel

Click here for more details on how to create and manage Lists.

Create New

Creating a new downtime list follows the rules of Lists with the following requrements:

Figure 64: Create new downtime reasons list

Steps to create new downtime list (Figure 65):

Existing downtime list can be edited when its element is selected in the list structure

Figure 65: Create new downtime reasons list

Steps to create a new category under a downtime list (Figure 66):

Existing category can be edited when its element is selected in the list structure

Figure 66: Create new downtime category

Steps to create a new downtime reason under some category (Figure 67):

Existing downtime reason can be edited when its element is selected in the list structure e.g.#a1e3b5

Figure 67: Create new downtime reason

Here is an example of a simple downtime list: Figure 68: Example of a downtime list

Machine Specific Downtime Reasons

The platform provides the possibility to change the default downtime reasons for a specific machine. This is available via the Properties tab of the selecte machine in the Organization structure (Figure 69). For each machine there is a Downtime List property available.

Figure 69: Change default machine dowtime reasons

In the cases when a downtime list different from the organization default is selected, then in the downtime tagging panel two options for downtime list are available:

Figure 70: Multiple dowtime reason lists for tagging