Manager Dashboards

Manager Menu

Precondition: To open the Manager dashboards menu select Manager from the main menu

Figure 1: Manager dashboards

Deviation Overview

Precondition: To open the Deviations Overview dashboard select:

Purpose: Dashboard shows charts and graphics for different deviations related to orders, alarms, and machines OEE.

Figure 2: Deviation overview dashboard

Orders ending in selected period with OTD Deviations

The panel presents information about orders with OTD deviations and planned stop date in the selected time interval.

Figure 3: Deviation overview - Orders ending in selected period with OTD deviations

At the left is shown the number of Work Orders with Plan Stop date in the selected time interval with negative OTD deviations.

The list of work orders with Plan Stop date in the selected time interval and some deviations (positive or negative) shows: Work order number, Customer, Plan stop date, Actual Stop date, Closed (Y or N), OTD (as number of days), Pos With Delay(number of parts/positions with delay).

If OTD is colored in red means the number of days delayed, if OTD is colored in green means the number of days order finished before planned stop date.

Figure 4: Deviation overview - percentage of orders with OTD=N

Under the number of work orders with deviations is shown the percentage of work orders with deviations with formula – (Orders with OTD=N) / (Total orders planned to end in the period, including orders without deviations)

To Work orders OTD calculation

OTD percentage over 180 days

Figure 5: Deviation overview - OTD percentage over 180 days

The graphic shows min, max and average values of OTD percentage of work orders opened or closed during the week, grouped by weeks for the last 180 days.

Order parts with cost deviations

The panel presents information about order parts with positive cost deviation for the selected time interval (for example Last 7 days). Cost deviation is calculated as a deviation in hours multiplied by cost per hour.

To calculation of Parts Cost Deviations

At the left is shown the number of parts with positive cost deviation at the last day from the selected time period.

The upper graphic also shows the number of parts with positive cost deviation for the selected time interval. The values are per day.

The second graphic shows cost deviations by days and last values (NOK) for different orders with parts with cost deviations for the selected time interval. The values are per day.

Figure 6: Deviation overview - Order parts with cost deviation

In the table at the right of the graphics are shown the latest values of positive cost deviations for different parts and orders for the selected time interval. In the table are listed: Date, number of part, number of work order and deviation (like kr59.66K).

Order parts with negative cost deviations

The panel presents information about order parts with negatibve cost deviation for the selected time interval (for example Last 7 days). Cost deviation is calculated as a deviation in hours multiplied by 650 NOK per hour.

To calculation of Parts Cost Deviations

At the left is shown the number of parts with negative cost deviation at the last day from the selected time period.

The upper graphic also shows the number of parts with negative cost deviation for the selected time interval. The values are per day.

The second graphic shows cost deviations by days and last values (NOK) for different orders with parts with cost deviations for the selected time interval. The values are per day.

Figure 7: Deviation overview - Order parts with negative cost deviation

In the table at the right of the graphics are shown the latest values of negative cost deviations for different parts and orders for the selected time interval. In the table are listed: Date, number of work order, part number and deviation (like kr59.66K).

Orders with remaining work deviation

The panel presents information about orders with actual remaining work greater than the estimated remaining work.

To calculation of Order Actual remaining work

Figure 8: Deviation overview - Orders with remaining work deviation

At the left is shown the number of orders with more remaining work than estimated for the last day from the selected time period.

The top graphic also shows the number of orders with positive work deviation by days for the selected time period.

The bottom graphic shows percentage of work deviations (difference between actual and estimated remaining work) of orders by days for the selected time interval.

In the table at the right are listed the latest values for the selected time interval: date, order, and percentage of work deviation.

The remaining work deviation(difference between actual and estimated remaining work) equal to 100% means that the order end date passed, but still nothing is produced. The Remaining work deviation is calculated when the order stop date is passed.

Orders with part scrap above 10%

The panel presents information about orders with part scrap above 10% for the selected time interval.

To calculation of parts scrap percentage

Figure 9: Deviation overview - Orders with part scrap above 10%

At the left is shown the number of orders with part scrap above 10%. The number is for the last day of the selected period.

The top graphic shows the number of orders with part scrap above 10%. The values are per day.

The bottom graphic shows percentage of part scrap for orders greater than 10%. The values are per day.

In the table at the right are shown by dates, part number, work order and scrap parts percentage. The values are the last for the selected period.

Orders with OEE below 80%

The panel presents information about work orders with OEE below 80% for the selected time intervals.

To Work orders OEE definition and calculation

Figure 10: Deviation overview - Orders with OEE below 80%

At the left is shown the number of work orders with OEE below 80% at the last day from the selected time interval.

Top graphic shows the number of work orders with OEE below 80% by days for the selected time interval. The values are per day.

The bottom graphic shows work orders OEE percentages for the selected time interval. The values are per day.

In the table at right are listed by dates: order numbers and OEE percentage of the orders which are below 80%.

Active alarms

The panel presents the information for the number and list of current active alarms.

Figure 11: Deviation overview -Active alarms

At the left is shown the number of the current active alarms from all machines in the factory.

The top graphic presents the number of active alarms per day during the selected time interval.

The bottom graphic presents the number of alarms by machines and days from the selected time interval.

The table at right presents the list of the current active alarms by: Active since, Machine, Alarm.

To Alarms dashboard

Machines with OEE below 80%

The panel presents information about machines with OEE below 80% for the selected time interval.

To Machine OEE definition and calculation

Figure 12: Deviation overview - Machines with OEE below 80%

At the left is shown the number of machines with OEE below 80% ** on the last day** from the selected time interval.

The top graphics shows the number of machines with OEE below 80% per day for the selected time interval. The values are per day.

The bottom graphics shows for each machine OEE% per days for the selected time interval. The values are per day.

In the table at right are listed by dates: machine numbers and OEE percentage of the machines with OEE below 80%.

Factory OEE

Precondition: To open the Factory OEE dashboard select:

Purpose: Factory OEE dashboard shows average machines OEE for the selected time interval. Machine OEE is calculated every hour.

Figure 13: Factory OEE dashboard

From the Factory OEE dashboard users can:

  • View each machine OEE for the selected time interval
  • Filter machines and check OEE by departments or type of machines or team
  • For each machine easily can open machine's OEE details dashboard

Filtering machines in the Factory OEE is possible by:

For selected machine is possible to open Machine OEE dashboard


Precondition: To open The Reports dashboard select:

Purpose: Three types of reports are available. Data for the reports are imported from the EPR SAP Business 1.

Figure 14: Reports dashboard - paused reports

Preparing reports:

After opening the page, if service is Paused, click on the Start button. Information starts updating each 5 sec.

There is scheduled time (UTC) for pausing the service, if not click on the Stop button.

Figure 15: Reports dashboard - running reports

To open some report, there should be fulfilled both:

Then click to open some report.

Deliveries Report

Click on the Deliveries Report button:

Using Deliveries Report user can receive the information for the selected time period:

  • The number of operations delayed from the plan by dates.
  • The number of operations delayed from the plan by departments and dates.
  • The pie chart with delayed operations and percentage by department.
  • The chart operations per dates - delayed oprerations by departments and dates.

Deliveries Report 1st page

This page of the report shows deliveries by departments for the selected time period.

Figure 16: Reports dashboard - Deliveries report - 1st page

By default data are loaded for the last 7 days (1). The period is possible to filter by:

The column at the left shows by dates, the aggregated number of operations with delays for all departments.

The table with dates for the selected time period by departments. For each date and department is shown the number of delayed operations.

Pie chart Delay by Department shows the number of delayed operations and percentge by department. It is possible to filter by department.

Delayed operations time line.

For each department is presented line chart delayed operations per dates. It is possible to filter by department.

From Delayed operations time line by right-clicking on the line for department appears menu Drill through. Clicking on the menu appears menu Department Delayed Operations. Select the menu.

Deliveries Report 2nd page

Figure 17: Reports dashboard - Deliveries report - 2nd page

This page shows delayed operations for selected from page 1 department.

OTD Report

Click on the OTD Report button:

Using OTD report user can receive the information for the selected time period:

  • The percentage of Work Orders by Customers.
  • Total OTD percentage - on time delivered orders to total orders with planned stop date in the selected period.
  • The number of Work order delivered on time.
  • The table with work orders and customers with planned stop in the selected time period with their OTD delays (positive or negative).
  • Selecting some customer and work order is possible to look at the details about the order positions(parts) OTD delays; total order OTD percentage.

OTD Report 1st page

This page of the report shows the work orders by customers and their OTD days and the total number of orders delivered on time for the selected time period.

Figure 18: Reports dashboard - OTD report - 1st page

On the left side:

On the right side:

Right clicking on the table appears menu Drill through menu. Click on the menu is opened Workorder OTD menu. Select the menu Workorder OTD.

Figure 19: Reports dashboard - OTD report - 1st page-drill through selected work order

OTD Report 2nd page

This page of OTD reports shows OTD information for all parts (positions) from the order. Customer name and work order number are listed as the top.

Figure 20: Reports dashboard - OTD report - 2nd page

Sales Report

Click on the Sales Report button:

Using the Sales Report users can receive the information for the selected time period:

  • Top 5 grossing customers and top 10 grossing parts
  • Percentage of Sales vs Budget
  • Turnover value per customer; Turnover chart by dates
  • New registered sales per customer
  • Decomposition of a total price by years

Sales Report 1st page

This page of the report shows for the selected time period

Figure 21: Reports dashboard - Sales report - 1st page

Report 2nd page

This page of the report shows for the selected period:

Figure 22: Reports dashboard - Sales report - 2nd page

At the bottom of both tables are calculated the total of turnover or sales (NOK)

Report 3rd page

This page of the report shows a line chart for Turnover per Date, for the selected time period.

Figure 23: Reports dashboard - Sales report - 3rd page

Report 4th page

This page of the report is used for decomposition of Total Sales by years. Clicking on the plus sign could be selected – Customer, Quarter, Month, Day,Part Name, Part Number, Invoice Number, Part Name, and Number. When Customer has selected, then it can decompose by selected items. etc.

Figure 24: Reports dashboard - Sales report - 4th page

Operator Dashboard

Precondition: To open the Operator dashboard select:

Purpose: The Operator Dashboard presents information about operator’s logged time per day, downtime per operator, and productivity coefficients. There is information for each operator and aggregated information for selected operators.

Data for the operators are imported from SAP Business 1 system into ConfigDB by adapter (sapb1) monitors for changes on each minute. Data are manipulated and presented by graphics and charts.

From Operator Dashboard users with role Manager can see:

Figure 31: Operator dashboard

There is possible to select an operator or many operators from the drop-down with numbers of all operators.

Figure 32: Operator dashboard - Operator panels

Figure 33: Operator dashboard - Aggregated information

Figure 34: Operator dashboard - Downtime per operator

On mouse over the pie chart are shown: operator number, duration of time, and percentage with downtime tag Untagged.

Operator Worktime

Precondition: To open the Operator Worktime dashboard select:

Purpose: Operator Worktime dashboard is accessible only by users with role Manager. The dashboard presents information about selected operator for the selected time interval including some production parameters and KPIs as: logged time as hours, logged time per day, productivity coefficients, average order OEE, time per machine, work orders with OTD.

Data for the operators are imported from SAP Business 1 system into ConfigDB by adapter (sapb1) that monitors for changes on each min. Data are manipulated and presented in user-friendly way.

From Operator Worktime Dashboard users with role Manager can see: For the selected operator and selected time interval:

  • Total logged time (in hours)
  • Productivity coefficient calculated as Logged hours divided by shift hours
  • Average Order OEE (in %)
  • Time per machine (in duration and percent for each machine used in the selected interval)
  • List of work orders produced during the period with information for OTD and Closed/Active

Figure 35: Operator Worktime dashboard

Selecting operator is possible from the list with numbers of all operators

All operator parameters are calculated for the selected time interval.

Figure 36: Operator Worktime dashboard - Logged time per day for operator

Figure 37: Operator Worktime dashboard - Order deviations for operator and selected time interval

Figure 38: Operator Worktime dashboard - table with downtime untagged series data


Precondition: To open the Utilization dashboard select:

Utilization is a percentage of time a machine is reporting an active state (counted statuses Active and Producing).

Downtime is a percentage of time a machine is down, reciprocal to utilization. Machine operators is possible to select a downtime reason that could be analyzed.

From the Utilization dashboard user can see:

  • The number of hours machines have been producing during a specific work hour and day
  • The number of hours the machines have been producing during a weekday and month
  • See the number of downtime events that occurred per department
  • Utilization chart with the number of hours machines worked per day by departments
  • Utilization chart with the number of hours machines worked for the last week

Using this dashboard supervisors or managers can make analyses about production in the factory. A utilization rate that consistently approaches 100% indicates that you’re overworking your staff, and it may be time to expand. A utilization rate that is consistently low means there isn’t enough work in the pipeline, too many hours are being wasted on non-billable administrative functions, or it might indicate that your company has too many freelancers on projects. Utilization rates that are consistently too high or too low aren’t good for your organization and typically indicate future risks.

When opening the Utilization dashboard and default time interval is “This week so far”

Figure 25: Utilization dashboard

The first heat map, Total Utilization (by day hours and weekdays) presents the number of hours the machines have been producing (counted Active and Production state) during the hours from the day (0-23) and days (Mon-Sun) of the week.

The darkest color block shows the biggest number of machine active hours. The lightest color block shows the lowest number of the machine hours. The user can look at hourly and weekly data simultaneously and make analyses.

Figure 26: Utilization dashboard - Utilization by hours of day and days of week

The second heat map chart, Total Utilization (by days of week and months of the year)
presents the number of hours the machines have been producing during the days of week and months of the year.

For example: when time interval is Last 1 year, with the darkest color (biggest number of machines hours) are Wednesday from May.

Figure 27: Utilization dashboard - Utilization by days of week and months of year

The 3rd heat map chart presents the number of downtime events per department. For Departments Turning, Milling and Welding user can analyze for which type downtime (related to Man, Machine, Method of work or Materials) there are more events and to do some related actions about production organization.

Figure 28: Utilization dashboard - Downtime events per department

Heatmap charts can be filtered by Team(s), selected from the teams list.

The next Utilization chart presents aggregated hours of active machines per day during the selected time interval (counted statuses Active and Producing).

Figure 29: Utilization dashboard - Aggregated hours of active machines per day

The Utilization (week) shows the number of active machines working at the same time per hour.

Figure 30: Utilization dashboard - number of active machines working at the same time per hour

Utilization by Shift

Precondition: To open the Utilization by shift dashboard select:

Purpose: Dashboard shows machine utilization during the shifts for the selected time period (the last 7 days is default).

Machine utilization is a useful time of machine (e.g status Active or Producing) for the period.

For the selected time period user with role Manager can see:

  • Machine Utilization as a duration of time and percentage for Shift1 or Shift2 (Shifts are assigned to the machine in Upkip Administration Calendars).
  • Machine timeline chart with statuses, duration and percentage of each status during the shifts.
  • Machine pie chart with duration, and percentage of Active statuses vs all other statuses.
  • Summary aggregation pie charts of Utilization vs other statuses during the shifts for the selected team(s).

Figure 39: Utilization by shift dashboard

Filtering is possible by a team or by machine

Figure 40: Filtering by team and machine

For each machine, information is shown in expandable panels.

Figure 41: Timeline chart of machine statuses separated by shifts

For the selected time period for each machine are shown:

Figure 42: Machine pie chart utilization

At the top are shown an aggregation pie chart of all filtered machines Utilization vs all other statuses.

Figure 43: Aggregated Utilization by shifts and teams