Supervisor Dashboards

Supervisor Menu

To open the Supervisor dashboards select:

Figure 1: Supervisor dashboards menu

Setup Inspection

To open the Setup Inspection dashboard select:

Purpose: Dashboard Setup Inspection shows information about planned set up inspections.

The information has been imported from the system SAPB1 (SAP Business 1) and visualized.

Using this dashboard, QA personnel can prioritize orders configuration inspections:

  • Ready for control date and time are used for prioritization.
  • Inspection with the longest pending time are prioritized (red time with clock).
  • If orders awaiting control and the next operation (blue arrows) have not yet started they should have a higher priority.
  • If the next operation has started (blue arrows) before completing of the inspection, it should have the lowest priority.

Figure 2: Setup Inspection dashboard

The Setup Inspection dashboard displays the following information:

The Status column gives the following information:

Figure 3: Setup Inspection dashboard - Result status

Figure 4: Setup Inspection dashboard - Inspection Status

Figure 5: Setup Inspection dashboard - Next operation started

Figure 6: Setup Inspection dashboard - Orders ready for inspection

Filtering Setup Inspections by Active only/All

Figure 7: Setup Inspection dashboard - Filtering setup inspections

There is a Filter field and the setup inspection can be filtered by entering part of: Order number, Customer, part position, Item No., Item name, or Drawing Nr.

Work order OEE

To open the Work Order OEE dashboard:

Figure 8: Machines dashboard - Machine Details - WO number link

Figure 9: Work Order OEE dashboard

Information for work orders is imported from the SAP Business 1 system.

Purpose: This dashboard shows detailed information and KPIs for the selected work order and part, work order parts KPIs and average KPIs per selected part item code.

Work Order OEE information is loaded for the selected work order and part of the filters.

Figure 10: Work Order OEE dashboard - Filters

On the dashboard are shown the following KPIs for work order and parts:

Work Order KPIs

Parts KPIs

Average KPIs per ItemCode

Additional information

Work Order

A work orders satisfy the supply-demand by either external or internal needs. They identify equipment, effort, and terms. Work orders capture data, maintain the history, and have a predefined lifecycle, which may differ from manufacturer to manufacturer. Reporting and monitoring are performed on planned vs actual for the work order. Typical attributes for a work order are:

Part (Position)

A Position(Part) in the work order is the identification and recipe of steps to be performed in order to produce a valuable result. Typical attributes for a work order position are:


An operation on part is a step of the process to produce a part. Operations may not require machines and may not need execution for every part item. (i.e. Initial configuration is done for a single item). Typical attributes for operation are:

Work Order OEE

The KPI Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is the gold standard for measuring manufacturing productivity. It identifies the percentage of manufacturing time that is truly productive. An OEE score of 100% means the manufacturer produces only Good Parts (100% Quality), as fast as possible (100% Performance), with no Stop Time (100%). OEE is considered the single best metric for or identifying losses, benchmarking progress, and improving the productivity of manufacturing equipment.

Figure 11: Calculation of Work Order OEE


Work Order OEE (%) = Availability (%) * Performance(%) * Quality(%)

Figure 12: Work Order OEE dashboard - Work order OEE, Availability, Performance, Quality

Work Order Availability

Identify machines producing parts for a particular order and then find the downtime for the interval while the machine was working on an operation for the specific order (based on the data from Downtime Tagging). Calculated only for machines registered in the system, for which there is time-tracking information in ERP. To Machine Availability

Calculation of Work Order Availability:

Work Order Availability = (OperationTimeTotal-DowntimeTotal(WO))/OperationTimeTotal

Work Order Performance

Same as machine-level performance but calculated on all operation logs under the specific Order. To Machine Performance

Calculation steps

Work Order Performance = (IdealTimeTotal / OperationTimeTotal) * 100;

Work Order Quality

The same as machine-level quality but calculated on all work order parts under the specific Order. We take the sum of all scrap, and the minimum good items produced by operations under the part. Then for the order we sum from all parts the total of good and total of scrap items.

The Work Order Quality is calculated as:

Calculation Steps

Work Order Quality = (MinGoodPartsTotal) / (MinGoodPartsTotal + SumScrapPartsTotal) *100

Work Order OTD (On Time Delivery)

This KPI represents the amount of days latency from planned, which is already accumulated. The result is represented as the difference (in days) between the two dates and can be a negative or positive number.

Example for work order delivered with delays – OTD (days) is positive

Figure 13: Work Order OEE - Order details -positive OTD

Example for work order delivered before planned stop date – OTD(days) is negative

Figure 14: Work Order OEE - Order details -negative OTD

OTD for a work order is a positive number (days) when there are delays from planned stop date.

OTD for a work order is a negative number (days) when work order finished before planned stop date.

Work Order Estimated Remaining Work

The KPI Work order estimated remaining work represents how much of the work for work order should be remaining - 100% in the beginning and 0% at the end of the period. The calculation is based on the planned time period for production of each operation under the work order parts and the amount of time left, compared to the moment of calculation.

Figure 15: Work Order Estimated remaining work

The calculation is based on the following data for each order part under the work order:


For each work order part find the relative estimated remaining work, then add it to the result:

WorkOrderEstimatedRemainingWork += (((EstimatedRemainingWorkPerPart / 100) * PartOrderedQuantity) / WorkOrderTotalOrderedQuantity) * 100 (%)

Work Order Actual Remaining Work

The KPI Work order actual remaining work represents the current progress for work order and the actual remaining work in percentage based on the number of ordered items to be produced and the number of items already produced.

Figure 16: Work Order Actual remaining work

The calculation is based on the following data for each order part under the work order:


For each work order find the relative actual remaining work, then add it to the result:

WorkOrderActualRemainingWork += (((ActualRemainingWorkPerPart/ 100) * PartOrderedQuantity) / WorkOrderTotalOrderedQuantity) * 100 (%)

Work Order Cost Deviation

The KPI Work Order Cost deviation represents a deviation between actual time and planned time, for the work order. Fist are calculated cost deviations for operations under the part and then for all parts in the order.


PartCostDeviation += Operation[i].CostDeviation

WorkOrderCostDeviation += Part[i].CostDeviation

Note: The result is calculated as duration, in hours. However in Grafana this value is multiplied by the “cost per hour” variable to display the KPI value as currency (NOK kr). Cost deviations can be positive or negative.

Order Parts Progress

Figure 17: Work Order OEE dashboard - Order Part list

There is a listed table with information about details of all parts from the work order including: Number, Name of the part, Positions, Drawing Nr., Ordered quantity, Min quantity, OK quantity, Produced progress (%), Scrap quantity, Status for each part (Active or Closed)

Parts KPIs

The Part KPIs table shows information about part ID and name, position, time per item (time duration), scrap%, part cost deviation(kr), actual remaining work%, estimated remaining work%, overplanning% and avg production cost(kr).

Parts Time per Item

The order part time per item is a time for producing one part through all operations for the selected order part. The KPI represents the average time used for the production of one item. The resulted value is duration, in seconds/min/hours.

Figure 18: Work order OEE - Part KPIs - Time/Item


The data needed for this KPI consists of:

PartTimePerItem = ProductionDuration / TotalPartsProduced (s/min/hour)

If duration or total parts produced are equal to zero, the result is zero min per item.

Parts Scrap percentage

The KPI represents the ratio between produced scrap quantity to the total produced quantity for each part in percentage.

The scrap % for each part is visible in the table Parts KPI.

Figure 19: Work Order OEE dashboard - Part KPIs - Scrap%

The amount of produced items for the order part are based on items produced by all operations under that ordered part.

The KPI is calculated similarly to percent scrap for operation. The difference is that the number of good items in not a sum of all good items from the operations, but the minimum of good items. This means that if one of the operations produces less good items compared to the other operations, that number of items will be represented as produced good items for the order part.


PercentScrapPerPart = ScrapItems / (GoodItems + ScrapItems) * 100 (%)

Parts Cost deviation

This KPI represents the deviation between actual time and planned time, for the work order part. It is calculated first for each operation under the part.


Sum the cost deviations for all operations for the part.

PartCostDeviation += Operation[i].CostDeviation

Note: The result is calculated as duration, in hours. However in Grafana this value is multiplied by the “cost per hour” variable to display the KPI value as currency (NOK kr). Part cost deviations can be positive or negative.

To calculation of Work Order Cost Deviation

Figure 20: Work Order OEE - Part KPIs - Cost Deviation

Parts Estimated remaining work

The KPI Part estimated remaining work represents how much of the work should be remaining - 100% in the beginning and 0% at the end of the period. The calculation is based on the planned time period for production of each operation under the work order part and the amount of time left, compared to the moment of calculation.

On the panel Part KPIs are shown for each part percentage of estimated remaining work of the part.

Figure 21: Work Order OEE dashboard - Part KPIs - Estimated remaining work of the part

The data needed for this KPI consists of:

If the difference between Operation.PlanStop-Operation.PlanStart=0, the operation planned duration is calculated by:


EstimatedRemainingWorkPerPart = (RemainingTimePerPart / TotalPlannedTimePerPart) * 100 (%)

To WorkOrderEstimatedRemainingWork calculation

Parts Actual remaining work

The KPI Part actual remaining work represents the current progress in percentage based on the number of items to be produced and the number of items produced.

On the panel Part KPIs are shown for each part percentage of actual remaining work of the part.

Figure 22: Work Order OEE dashboard - Part KPIs - Actual remaining work of the part

The data needed for this KPI consists of:

TotalItemsProduced += Operation[i].GoodQuantity+Operation[i].ScrapQuantity

ExpectedTotalItemsToProduce = TotalItemsProduced + TotalItemsNotFinishedOperations


ActualRemainingWorkPerPart = (100 – (TotalItemsProduced / ExpectedTotalItemsToProduce)) * 100 (%)

To WorkOrderActualRemainingWork calculation

Parts Overplanning

The Part Overplanning KPI shows the deviation between planned time for the execution and actual time it took for execution.

For each part is shown Overplanning KPI in percentage. Overplanning % can be positive or negative.

Negative Overplanning% means that planned time per part is less than real time for producing part of the same type.

Positive Overplanning % means that planned time per part is greater than real time for producing part of the same type.

Figure 23: Work Order OEE - Part KPIs - Overplanning%


OverplanningPerPart = ((PlannedTimePerItem / AverageProductionTimePerItem) * 100) - 100 (%)

Parts Average production cost

Figure 24: Work Order OEE dashboard - Average Production Cost

This KPI represents the time difference between typical time per item and the current time per item for order part, multiplied by the produced items.

Note: The result is calculated as duration, in hours. However in Grafana this value is multiplied by the “cost per hour” variable to display the KPI value as currency (NOK kr).


Average Production Cost = (Total Parts Produced * (Time per Item – Average Time per Item)) * CostPerHour (kr)

OTD per position(part) and OTD per department

The KPI OTD per part represents the difference in days between the actual stop date (or the current date for not closed parts) and the planned stop date for a part. OTD is equal to ‘Y’ when the order has finished before the planned stop date or ‘N’ when there are delays from the planned stop date.


ODT per Position and ODT per Department are presented at the bottom of the Work Order OEE dashboard

Figure 25: Work Order OEE - OTD per Position, OTD per Department

Average KPIs per ItemCode

Average KPIs are calculated per ItemCode for the selected part.

Average time per item

Figure 26: Work Order OEE dashboard - Average Time per Item

This KPI represents the average time spent per produced item, across all parts with the same ItemCode, in sec/min/hour.

The data needed for this KPI consists of:


AverageTimeItemPerItemCode = ProductionDurationOfPartsPerItemCode / TotalPartsProducedPerItemCode

Average scrap

Average Scrap is calculated per ItemCode. It is possible for different orders to have parts with the same ItemCode.

Figure 27: Work Order OEE dashboard - Average Scrap

The data is based on the order parts with the same item code produced good and scrap quantities. Parts are from different work orders. Only closed order parts are used in the calculation of this KPI.


AveragePercentScrap = ScrapQuantity / (GoodQuantity + ScrapQuantity) * 100 (%)

Part Progress per Operation

For selected part from the filter is а shown chart with operations per part. On mouse over each operation are shown: Operation Name, Ordered Quantity, Min Quantity, OK, Scrap, Progress (%).

Figure 28: Work Order OEE dashboard - Part progress per operation

Machines Utilization

The utilization of machines used in the operations of the part is presented as а flow chart. The machines are ordered per operations performed. For each machine is shown the percent of work that has been performed by the machine. If one operation is performed on two machines they are grouped vertically. Only when executing quality control (KON) it is always visualized consecutively.

Figure 29: Work Order OEE dashboard - Machine Utilization

Mouse over the machine shows in green and red the number of OK and scrap parts produced by the machine and duration of operation.

Figure 30: Work Order OEE - Machine Utilization - mouse over the machine

Mouse over the progress shows Planned stop time and actual stop time and ODT (On time delivery) Y/(Checkmark icon when delivery is on time) or N/(Cross icon when there are delays in delivery) and duration of operation.

Figure 31: Work Order OEE - Machine Utilization - mouse over the machine progress


To open the Utilization dashboard select:

Utilization is a percentage of time a machine is reporting an active state (counted statuses Active and Producing).

Downtime is a percentage of time a machine is down, reciprocal to utilization. Machine operators is possible to select a downtime reason that could be analyzed.

From the Utilization dashboard, users can see:

  • The number of hours machines have been producing during a specific work hour and day.
  • The number of hours the machines have been running in each day of the week and month.
  • The number of downtime events that have occurred for a department.
  • Utilization chart with number of hours worked by machines worked per day by department.
  • Utilization chart with a number of hours worked by the machines in the last week.

Using this dashboard supervisors or managers can make analyses about production in the factory. A utilization rate that consistently approaches 100% indicates that you’re overworking your staff, and it may be time to expand. A utilization rate that is consistently low means there isn’t enough work in the pipeline, too many hours are being wasted on non-billable administrative functions, or it might indicate that your company has too many freelancers on projects. Utilization rates that are consistently too high or too low aren’t good for your organization and typically indicate future risks.

When opening the Utilization dashboard and default time interval is “This week so far”

Figure 32: Utilization dashboard

The first heat map, Total Utilization (by day hours and weekdays) presents the number of hours the machines have been producing (counted Active and Production state) during the hours from the day (0-23) and days (Mon-Sun) of the week.

The darkest color block shows the biggest number of machine active hours. The lighest color block shows the lowest number of machine-hours. The user can look at hourly and weekly data simultaneously and make analyses.

Figure 33: Utilization dashboard - Utilization by hours of day and days of the week

The second heat map chart, Total Utilization (by days of week and months of the year) presents the number of hours the machines have been producing during the days of week and months of the year.

Figure 34: Utilization dashboard - Utilization by days of week and months of year

The 3rd heat map chart presents the number of downtime events per department. For Departments Turning, Milling and Welding user can analyze for which type downtime (related to Man, Machine, Method of work or Materials) there are more events and to do some related actions about production organization.

Figure 35: Utilization dashboard - Downtime events per department

Heatmap charts can be filtered by Team(s), selected from the team's list.

The next Utilization chart presents aggregated hours of active machines per day during the selected time period (counted statuses Active and Producing).

Figure 36: Utilization dashboard - Aggregated hours of active machines per day

The Utilization (week) shows the number of active machines working at the same time per hour.

Figure 37: Utilization dashboard - number of active machines working at the same time per hour


To open the Facility dashboard select:

Purpose: The Facility dashboard displays information for various facilities e.g. environment, pump, water temperature, power, vibrations, etc. Data is obtained from sensors attached to assets or machines.

Figure 38: Facility dashboard

For details on charts with external sensors, go to External Sensors dashboard.

Machine sensors

Different types of sensors can be connected to the equipment.

Data is received from the configured sensors or type: ReMoni, Disruptive Technology, NCD, Neuron sensors, El-watch, or NCD.

Figure 39: Facility dashboard - Pump and water temperatures

Figure 40: Facility dashboard - air temperature and motor temperature

For details on tag configuration with an external sensor, go to Create tags with external sensors

Equipment lockers

There are shown temperature and humidity for locker1 and locker2. There is also a graphic for Temperature and Humidity over time. The time period can be changed.

Figure 41: Facility dashboard - equipment lockers parameters


Expand the panel Offices. The panel shows graphics with temperatures in the offices during the selected time period.

Figure 42: Facility dashboard - offices temperature

For each office, is shown graphic with temperature values for the selected time period. Also are displayed the average value and the current value.

Sensors in all offices are usually of type Disruptive Technologies.

For details on tag configuration with an external sensor, go to Create tags with external sensors


To open the Weather dashboard select:

Purpose: The Weather dashboard displays information about the weather in a selected city: Temperature, Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Daily Temperature histogram, Daily Wind Speed Histogram, Daily Wind Direction Histogram. The time period can be changed from the preset periods.

Figure 43: Weather dashboard - Weather station

Temperature and Daily Temperature Histogram

Figure 44: Weather dashboard - Temperature chart and daily temperature histogram

Wind Speed and Daily Wind Speed Histogram

Figure 45: Weather dashboard - Wind speed and Daily wind speed histogram

Wind direction and Daily wind direction histogram

Figure 46: Weather dashboard - Wind direction and Daily wind direction histogram

Wind Radar

Figure 47: Weather dashboard - Wind Radar

Register Progress

To open the Register progress dashboard select:

Purpose: The Register progress dashboard displays information about work orders per machine, their position, operation, parts, start and end dates of the order, good and scrap quantity. Information is imported from system SAPB1 (SAP Business 1) and visualized.

Using this dashboard, users can filter and get information about:

  • All machine work orders, good and scrap quantity of parts produced.
  • Start and end dates of the orders per machine.
  • Part name, positions, and operations of the orders.
  • If orders are closed - Information is extracted by filtering or entering the barcode

Figure 48: Register Progress dashboard

Dashboard displays in a table the list of work orders. For each order are shown:

Information for work orders can be filtered by selecting the following filters:

Figure 49: Register Progress dashboard - Filters

Filtering is possible by entering a barcode in the following format.

Figure 50: Register Progress dashboard - Filtering by barcode