Factory layout


Precondition: To open The Factory Layout dashboard select:

Purpose: Factory Layout presents a 3D picture of the factory buildings and machines on each floor.

From the Factory Layout dashboard users can see:

  • The real location of the machines in the buildings in 3D reality
  • On mouse over the machine can see OEE percentage of the machine
  • On mouse over the machine can see the machine work order and parts, parts progress
  • Over the machines with alarms in the selected time interval are shown rotating icon with an exclamation mark
  • Over the machine with maintenance and option Shutdown Required during the selected time interval is shown rotating wrench.
  • Can filter machines by departments or teams and watch only machines for the selected department

Figure 1: Factory Layout dashboard

The Factory layout is configured in Upkip Administration module. To Factory layout configuration

Machine Details

Machine OEE

On mouse over the machine at the left are shown machine OEE (%) and related percentages of Availability, Performance, and Quality for the selected time interval. For details about machine OEE Go To Machine OEE dashboard

Figure 2: Factory Layout dashboard - Machine OEE

Machine work orders

On mouse over the machine at the bottom is shown table with information about machine orders, parts and progress for the selected time interval. The information in the table is:

Figure 3: Factory Layout dashboard - Machine work orders

Machine maintenance order

On mouse over the machine, above the table with machine orders is shown row with maintenance work order if:

Figure 4: Factory Layout dashboard - Maintenance order

Row with machine maintenance order shows the information: Shutdown Required, Work order number from the MMS, Short description, Description, planned start, and end date.

Clicking on the machine

Clicking on the machine (if supported by the Upkip platform) is opened in a new page Machine detailed dashboard.

Active machine

The active machines in the Factory Layout are colored green color.

Stopped machine

The stopped machines in the Factory Layout are colored red color.

Machines with Alarms

Over the active machines with alarms are shown rotating exclamation signs. Over the machines with active alarms which are not online (they are not in use) rotating exclamation signs are not shown. The list of machines that are “not online” is visible on the Summary dashboard, panel with the number and list of Not online machines.

Figure 5: Summary dashboard - Not Online Machines list

Machines with maintenance order

Over the machines with maintenance order in the currently selected time interval is shown rotating wrench icon. The base of machines in planned maintenance is colored orange.

Rooms Parameters

Factory Layout Offices

Figure 6: Factory Layout dashboard - Office temperature

On mouse over the offices, at the top left, is shown temperature gauge with the temperature in the office.

Clicking on the office icon is opened Facility dashboard.

Factory Layout Central Coolant

On mouse over the central coolant are shown at the top left, the temperatures for pumps and ambient temperature.

Figure 7: Factory Layout dashboard - pumps and ambient temperatures

Clicking on the Central Coolant in the Factory Layout is opened in a new page Facility Dashboard -Central Coolant

Factory Layout Inspection

On mouse over the Inspection is shown at the upper left gauge with ambient temperature.

Clicking on the Inspection icon in the Factory Layout is opened in a new page

Facility Dashboard -Inspection

Filtering Factory Layout by departments or team

It is possible to filter by department. On mouse over at the right icon (rack-wheel) is shown department list. If select some department on the dashboard is shown only machines from this department.

Figure 8: Factory Layout dashboard - Filtering by department or team