Operator Dashboards

Operator Menu

Click the Operator button from the main menu.

Figure 1: Operator Dashboards

Click the Responsible Desktop button from the menu.

Figure 2: Operator - Responsive desktop dashboards


To open Machines dashboard with full information, select:

The same roles can open the mobile version (light information) of the machines dashboard that is developed for tablet devices.

To open Machines dashboard on tablets, select:

For details, go to Machines Summary Dashboard.


Purpose: The Downtime dashboard displays downtime information for all machines in the enterprise for the selected time period.

Precondition: To open the Downtime dashboard, select:

From this dashboard, users can see for the selected time period:

Downtime: All-time where the manufacturing process was intended to be running but was not due to Unplanned Stops (e.g. breakdowns), or Planned Stops (e.g.changeovers). Downtime is also called Stop Time.

These unplanned stops are subject to downtime tagging and statistics on downtime tagging times and reasons. They are subject to reports and root cause analysis. Analysis over downtime tagging aids identification of reasons for stop time and supports decision making for addressing issues.

Figure 3: Downtime dashboard

Figure 4: Downtime dashboard filters

Custom time range could be changed by selecting intervals from the predefined periods.

Figure 5: Select time period

Figure 6: Downtime chart for machine for the selected period

Downtime period types are colored with different colors and could be: unplanned, untagged, and OK. Under the graphics are shown total duration in hours and percentage of the selected time period.

Figure 7: Select downtime reason for status Untagged

Click here for more details on how to manage downtime reasons.

External Sensors

To open the External sensors dashboard, select:

This dashboard shows charts of various sensors connected to machines or next to office premises.

The supported sensor types are: Disruptive Technologies, ReMoni ReCalc, Neuron sensors (Wl-Watch), NCD sensors, OpenWeatherMap.

For details on how to configure external sensors go to External sensors setup.

Figure 8: Chart with various temperatures over time

Figure 9: Chart with various temperatures of machine over time

Figure 10: Chart with various temperatures over time

The legend shows minimum, maximum, range, mean, and last temperatures for the selected time period.

Figure 11: Chart with measured machine power over time

The legend shows minimum, maximum, average, and current values for the selected time period.

To view the configuration of a tag with an external sensor, go to Add Tag with External sensor

Maintenance Requests (Basic)

This dashboard is meant to provide operator users access to creating basic maintenance requests. The dashboard button can be found under the Main Menu/Operator

The dashboard is split logically in three sections (Figure 1):

Figure 12: Maintenance request dashboard

Submit a Request

To submit a request simply:

Maintenance requests are managed in groups split based on Severity. Multiple maintenance requests could be submitted for each Severity group. Thus a client could report multiple issues for maintenance which all will be considered active until cleared.

When a request is submitted the following important actions take place:

Clear Active Maintenance Requests

After the reported problem has been resolved the Client must clear the maintenance by sending the system message "Normal" for the target Severity. This gives the means to manage multiple maintenance requests in parallel based on the severity.


  1. Submit two requests with severity Medium for machine 1
  2. Submit one request with severitu Low for machine 1
  3. At this point for machine 1 there will be three active maintenance requests: one with low severity and two with medium severity
  4. After the low severity issue is resolved, submit "Normal" as message for severity Low
  5. Low severity requests are cleared. Now for machine 1 there will only two active maintenance requests with medium severity
  6. After they have also been resolved, submit "Normal" as message for severity Medium
  7. All maintenance requests have been cleared


Maintenance Requests

Click the Maintenance menu button. Click the Requests button.

Figure 13: Maintenance Requests dashboard

The dashboard shows submitted maintenance requests for the selected machine and period.

For each request, a description, priority, created by, and created date are displayed.

From the dashboard, users can submit new maintenance requests.

Click the Create Request button.

Figure 14: Submit maintenance request from requests dashboard

Select the machine from the drop-down list. Click on the priority, enter description. Optionally add images and click Shutdown required.

Click the Send button.

For details, go to the Requests List.

Maintenance Orders

Click the Maintenance menu button. Click the Orders button.

Figure 15: Orders dashboard

Dashboard displays different types of orders for a machine.

Select the machine from the drop-down list. Select the type of orders to display on the dashboard.

From the Order Type filter, it is possible to select daily, weekly, monthly, annual, conditional, and external order types.

For each type of order, the following information is displayed: order description, priority, order planned period (from-to), responsible person, duration, and status.

The Shutdown column indicates whether order maintenance requires the machine to shut down.

The Started On and Finished On columns show the actual start and end date and time of the order.

Energy Consumption

The Energy Consumption dashboard shows the readings of the selected electricity meter.

The Consumption for the selected period panel shows:

Energy consumption per hour (kWh) is shown as a bar graph for the selected period.

Figure 16: Energy consumption for selected period

The Voltage panel shows the last measured voltage values for Phase1, Phase2, and Phase3. The Volate chart shows values of Phase1, Phase2, and Phase3 for a selected period.

Figure 17: Voltage for selected period

The Current panel shows the last measured current values for Phase1, Phase2, and Phase3. The Current chart shows values of Phase1, Phase2, and Phase3 for a selected period.

Figure 18: Current for selected period

The Cost panel shows the total electricity cost for the selected period. The Cost per hour chart shows the electricity cost for the selected period.

Figure 19: Cost for selected period

The one year consumption and costs panel shows Consumption per week and Cost per week for the last 1 year. Also, Consumption per 30 days and Cost per 30 days for the last 1 year.

Figure 20: Consumption and cost per week or 30 days for one year

The Summary panel shows the total Energy Consumption (kWh), Day Tariff total (kWh), and Night Tariff Total (kWh).

Figure 21: Energy consumption total, day and night tariff total

The Weather panel shows the current temperature and wind speed, the temperature over time for the selected period.

Figure 22: Weather temperature and wind speed

Water Consumption

The Water consumption dashboard shows the consumption of cold and hot water for the selected period.

Select the water meter from the filter.

Figure 23: Hot water consumption

The Consumption shows the water consumption (m3) for the selected period.

The Total water consumption is the current reading of the water meter.

The Water consumption per hour chart shows the water consumption (m3) for each hour of the selected period.

Select the cold water meter from the filter and see the consumption of the cold water.

Figure 24: Cold water consumption